Most people do not know the difference between a good energy audit and a bad one. Contrary to the common perception, the quality of the audit does not depend on the experience of the auditor but the results play a crucial role.
Moreover, even the best quality audit executed by an experienced professional is wasted if not followed up with the necessary action. A reliable energy audit Northern Virginia considers the energy consumption in your house including the wasted energy.

The energy envelope within a home includes plants, doors, windows, trims, and the orientation. The auditor actively tries to find the energy usage as well as the loss or potential areas for waste. It is difficult to come across a good audit primarily because of the attention that needs to be paid to the most minor detail and the efforts needed. A bad audit also known as lazy audit is common and is generally narrow in its focus. The auditor considers only the obvious surrounding areas and is single dimensional. Most often it misses out on the potential home insulation DC areas that are susceptible to energy waste or loss.

It is very unfortunate that many a good energy audit northern virginia is wasted because of failure to follow up. It is commonly seen that most homeowners do not pay heed to the problematic areas pointed out by the auditor and fails to act on the recommendations. Fortunately, bad audits can be overcome and a good report can be made available by sparing a couple of hours thoroughly checking the home. With a detailed audit, owners can increase energy efficiency, save money through lower utility bills, and save energy. It will also motivate the owners to undertake the required action by providing details on the potential benefits offered by a good energy audit.
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